The Band

Mark Luther
Drummer/Vocalist/Lyricist, credits his love for music to his mother, who always had music playing no matter where we were. It was the day he started keeping time on the back of her drivers seat that she turned to him and said, “If I buy you a drum set will please not do that anymore?” Well, the rest is history. Over 35 years pounding the skins, multiple album credits, and a musical taste that ranges from Bluegrass to Hardcore. Mark started playing in bands at age 15 when he met fellow band mate and guitar player for Malicious Grind, Craig Davis. They recruited Eric and James, then later Ingrid Buamgart and recorded the LP Welcome to Life along with appearances on various hardcore complications. After MG Mark came up with the idea to reunite he, James, and Eric to record a project that encompassed all of the diverse influences and different tunes they had all written but never recorded, into one ultimate hardcore album, and so SHOCKLORE was born. Mark went on afterward, during the 1990’s and early 2000’s to play in and record with multiple bands crossing multiple genres until finally asking Jim and Eric if they would be interested in Remixing and Mastering SHOCKLORE’S old material along with few new tunes to sweeten the pot. The remastered version came out so well that both Mark and the guys decided to strike while the proverbial iron was hot. The resurgence of Shocklore is likely to include another LP, a few music videos, and probably a bit of touring as well. Mark has told us recently, they have already began to write again, and that they are all looking forward to recording again, and just jamming together in person as well for the first time in around a dozen years. To quote the great sir Ethan Hog, “So we all say, Tap into America!”.

James Fuentes
Guitar/Bass/Vocals: a virtuoso Shredder and Songwriter cut his teeth and founds his inspiration on legends like Eddie Van Halen, Hendrix and the like. Though in his hometown of El Segundo, California during the early 1980’ Punk Rock was the flavour of the day. His earliest album credits included tracks on compilation albums “Made In The South Bay”, and “Blowing Snot In The Wind” respectively with Hardcore bands Genetic Damage and Malicious Grind. During the Mid 1990’s, Shocklore being only a recording project at the time, Jim branched out into other Progressive Rock and Metal genres. Though, as is often the case with most talented musicians, Jim found his roots again later in life. He sites his best work as the drummer for the Punk Rock band, Full Size, and playing Lead guitar for hard driving Metal bands, The Ride, and The Bourbon Saints. Also of note was Jim’s stint playing Bass guitar along with Shocklore Drummer/Vocalist Mark Luther in another Hardcore Punk band, Flappy Curtain, in the early 2000 before they both were reunited with fellow shredder Eric Wood in the revival of this awesome power trio.

James Harned
Lead Vocals: To hear him tell it, “I only jammed with a few guys, but whenever a drunk singer passed out somehow I was drawn to the mic and started yelling! Good or not, I didnt care, or care if anyone else cared!” James grew up in the High Desert, Apple Valley, California. Then he moved to Phoenix, AZ. He is now a California re-plant residing in Torrance, CA. where he’s now been for 26 years. Full Size was the first serious band that he fronted. Strangely enough, Full Size saw SHOCKLORE Guitar god Jim Fuentes on the skins, and former guitarist from Flappy Curtain, Charles Morel (Chuck), on guitar. They released one self titled full length LP, and were together almost 9 years. James sites his screamer influences as the likes of hardcore greats such as Bill Milano of S.O.D. and M.O.D Fame, 80’s era Hetfield (Metallica), Rollins, (Black Flag), Kurt from D.R.I., Morris from The Circle Jerks, the one and only Jelo from Dead Kennedys, and many, many more... James recalls a very cool, if embarrassing moment at his Wedding....“Dez Cadena, Rhythm Guitarist from Black Flag, and a member of Seattle slammers, Firehose were among the musical entertainment at our reception. I got on stage to sing the famous Black Flag song “Six Pack”, and due to the myriad libations I’d been imbibing, I threw of the Intro count to start the song and fucked the timing up completely. Had a great time and still finished the song though!!” As eluded to above he spent his formative years as a lead singer filling in for other frontmen behind the mic. He recalls the first time as being at a small “White Kaps” show when the singer passed out and band said, “Can anybody sing?” He said “SURE”, and the rest, as they say, is history. So friends, we can attribute the Vocal stylings of our brotha’ James, to a long line of “too drunk” singers hooking him up, if inadvertently, and allowing him to vent behind a mic..
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